RoboTerrestrial is the story of a family whose innocent household robot was turned evil by an alien parasite.
One hundred years in the future, the Carpenter family lives with their humanoid robotic servant, Tendrow. Robots aren't without their quirks, but they always follow their programming, and are forbidden to harm humans in any way. But all this all goes awry when an amorphous alien being crash lands, and Tendrow goes to investigate the anomaly. The alien is a parasite looking for a host, and there is none better than the unwary android. Once the invader fuses with Tendrow's cybernetic core, he becomes Earth's first robotic extraterrestrial—a RoboTerrestrial. When Tendrow returns home, something isn't quite right. Unbeknownst to the Carpenters, Tendrow's programming has been corrupted by the alien creature. It's only a matter of time before the alien being is able to take control of Tendrow's every move and embark on its mission to exterminate the human race, starting with the Carpenter family. Written, directed, and edited by Dennis Comella and featuring an award-winning cast, it's sure to make you laugh. It may even make you cry. And it will make you wonder if any of the machines we know and love today could ever turn against us in a murderous rage, reborn... as a RoboTerrestrial. |
The Director – Dennis Comella
RoboTerrestrial is a project that started in 2015, produced by indie director Dennis Comella entirely in his home state of New Jersey with a dedicated cast and crew, and the vital support of a few close friends.
"I wanted to combine the concepts of robots and aliens with the idea of a zombie-like virus that could spread from host to host," says Dennis. "Once I got started writing, the story easily emerged." Filmed in just two days, RoboTerrestrial made its way through post production, and after over a year in the works, this high-concept thriller is finally ready to be enjoyed by audiences old and young alike. |
RoboTerrestrial was awarded "Best Cast (Short Category)" in the AltFF Alternative Film Festival, Summer 2017.
Tendrow – Brandon deSpain
The film's title character and main antagonist, the robotic Tendrow only turns evil after an encounter with a parasitic alien life form. After his circuitry is hijacked, his behavior becomes unpredictable. |
Arthur Carpenter – John Ahrens
Arthur is an easy-going father with an interest in the latest technology. His good intentions are only overshadowed by his absentmindedness. |
Margaret Carpenter – Anna Bella Michelino
A loving but strict mother, Margaret keeps the family—including Arthur—under control. |
Jared – Louis Bacigalupo
Sheila's boyfriend, Jared is a born rebel, of whom Sheila's mom does not approve. |
Officer Xavier M. Diaz – Vincent Leong
A trusted member the town's well-respected police squad, it's his job to rush to the scene at the slightest sign of trouble. |
Original score composed by Wojciech Wojnowski and Robin Jones.
Original score composed by Wojciech Wojnowski and Robin Jones.